It is advisable that you make an appointment with us at OC MedDerm (949-551-1113), so that a detailed history about the lesion can be taken and an actual examination of the skin can be done. In most cases, keloids do occur with an antecedent injury or trauma, and once that site gets healed, it leaves a scar. When keloids are just formed, they appear firmer and smoother than the surrounding skin. Pain, tenderness, and itching are common feelings and sensations associated with keloids. The size of keloids differs from less than 1 centimeter to greater than 12 inches. People may tend to find it unsightly. Sizeable keloids do tend to be sore since the keloid-scarred tissue no longer holds a good fit against the skin. It can also be uncomfortable if it is very large and can pull at the skin depending on where it is located.
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