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Accutane is a “big gun” in acne therapy. Isotretinoin/Absorica is a powerful synthetic **THIS IS SPAM** derived from Vitamin A. “Accutane” is administered in an oral pill form and has a strong drying effect on oil glands. Isotretinoin Isotretinoin is the generic name of Accutane. Accutane Accutane is no longer available. Roche stopped making Accutane in 2009 after selling the **THIS IS SPAM** to 13 million patients since 1982. Current available brand names of Isotretinoin are Ab...



Mar 10 7:23

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To simplify it, remember Dr. Shafa’s “ONEs” rules: Discomfort one hour. Swelling one day. Bruising one week. PIH (post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation) for one month. PIH (post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation) for one month. After the procedure, bruising and swelling of the treated area are expected. The extent of the bruising, swelling, and healing time may vary depending on the size and location of the treated area as well as the thickness and texture of the skin. The good news is that d...



Mar 7 7:22

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Microdermabrasion is a treatment that is offered at OC MedDerm. This is a well-studied treatment that provides a method of unplugging acne pores with a handheld medical device. It uses a unique technique to scrub the skin with a crystal or diamond tip, which is followed by suctioning tiny clogged pores with a vacuum device. Microdermabrasion can be used intermittently and in conjunction with other acne treatments to speed up skin improvement. Microdermabrasion can also stimulate collagen...



Mar 6 8:10

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What are the benefits of CO2 laser resurfacing? The CO2 laser has become more and more popular as newer indications continue to come out in literature for its use. It is known to be capable of dramatically reducing common signs of aging and correcting acne scars by creating the following changes in the skin: Gives glow to the skin by improving skin texture and tone. Drastically reduces fine skin wrinkles by increasing collagen formation. Reduces the appearance of large pores. Removes...



Mar 5 8:31

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Plaque psoriasis The most common type of psoriasis makes up around 80% of all psoriasis cases. Causes thickened, white patches on the skin. Usually covered with gray or white scaling. Guttate psoriasis Small red spots that usually appear on the abdomen, back, arms, and legs. Usually develop after an illness, such as strep throat. May resolve after a few weeks or months even without treatment. Pustular psoriasis Characterized by pus-filled bumps that usually develop on the feet or...



Mar 4 8:09

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Find your trusted eye doctor Fort Wayne at Cunningham Optical One clinic. Our skilled optometrists at Cunningham Optical One's Fort Wayne Southwest branch are dedicated to providing personalized eye care to enhance your vision and overall eye health. Schedule your appointment today for expert care and guidance.

Fort Wayne


Mar 3 12:06

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Lying next to your partner is the best feeling that you wouldn't trade for anything else in the whole universe. When your Chakras connect, and you make sacrifices willingly for each other. The suitor's journey has been long and tiresome, and you have really come a long way for your chemistry to sync. All of a sudden, you blink, and the person you made dying promises to is now your ex because you just drifted apart or someone else got involved with them. Remember that you've heard of online help...



Feb 27 9:28

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Legal spells to freeze a court case, legal spells to have charges dropped against you, legal spells to help you get out of jail & legal spells to have a court case dismissed. Court case spells to help you get out of jail. Court case spells to cause your court case to be dismissed & get you out of jail. Doesn't matter how many years someone has been in jail my powerful court spells will help you legally get out of jail. Shield yourself from arrest & jail using court spells. Justice spells...



Feb 27 9:28